Friday, September 12, 2008

Secular homemaking links

Something positive after a lot of negative

50 Home tips on Really all of Lifehack. Much of it is geared toward the business community, but a lot of those ideas can be applied to home management

Hurricane/emergency tips from MileHiMama (Not a secular blog, but this post is excellent. Good luck lady!)

AllRecipes - you will never need to buy a recipe book again

Bev's Country Cottage - *tons* of free patterns for gifts and charities for all kinds of crafts. Her site has an LDS bend, but it's an amazingly thorough resource. - Free classic audiobooks to listen to while you work.

1 comment:

bevq said...

Thanks so much for listing my website ( here. I really appreciate it!! Hope you enjoy all the free patterns and recipes.

Take care!