Monday, May 21, 2012

Dear Girls....

From a HuffPo article by Soraya Chemaly

Dear Girls,

You are powerful beyond words, because you threaten to unravel the control of corrupt men who abuse their authority


If you were not powerful, they would not take you so seriously and they take you very, veryseriously. You should, too. You can set the world on fire.

Girls, these things happen because there are men with power who fear you and want to control you. I know that I have equated relatively benign baseball games with deadly, honor killings but, whereas one is a type of daily, seemingly harmless micro-aggression and the other is a lethal macro-aggression they share the same roots. The basis of both, and escalating actions in between, is the same: To teach you, and all girls subject to these men and their authority, a lesson: "Know your place." I also know that there are places where girls are marginalized and hurt that are not religious. But all over the world these hypocritical, pious men, in their shamefully obvious wrongness, represent the sharp-edged tip of an iceberg, the visible surface of a deep and vast harm. They employ the full range of their earthly and divine influence to make sure, as early as possible, that you and the boys around you understand what they want your relative roles to be. Where there are patriarchal religions girls, in dramatically varying and extreme degrees, disproportionately suffer. Understand these men for what they are: bullies. Do not internalize what they would have you believe.

Read the rest here. It's fantastic. And it has lots and lots of links to back up her words.

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