So someone on my Facebook page shared a video.
For the record, I'm not a 15 year old girl. I'm 40, been married for 12 years, have a college degree, spent 8 years as a teacher and 4 years before that working with kids in the foster care system.
Mr. Jordan, you're wrong.
1) Assuming you're right, you're not expecting too much of this girl. Taking care of her own laundry and cleaning up her own room is not too much, neither is sweeping the floor once a day or emptying the dishwasher or even washing dishes. However she's not ranting about that and you said that she has a little brother and a step-mother. My first question is, is your older daughter having to clean up after her little brother all afternoon, and second, what's going on at your ex-wife's house? You might want to be absolutely certain before you say these things publicly. You sound like a hard-working man so I assume you're off at work all day which means you don't know what's going on between her and her step-mother. And you don't know what's going on at your ex-wife's house. If she really is legitimately staying up until 10 to get homework and chores done (not just fooling around on line) there is a problem. Check before you get your dander up.
Also, get up and get your own coffee.
2) Kids have ranted off about their parents since there were such things as kids and parents. Your child whines on Facebook to her friends? Grow a thicker hide. Why does what a fifteen year old say effect your self-esteem so much? Respect needs to be earned, and in my experience the man who runs around whining that a fifteen year old girl doesn't respect him probably doesn't deserve it. And no, being her biological father doesn't make it an automatic, I've known far too many god-awful biological parents to buy that one anymore. All it means is that you had sex with her biological mother one night without a condom. Past that you have to earn it because she didn't ask to be here.
3) You're complaining about having to buy her things. Fine. Stop. Either start paying her for extra chores around the house or your business or she'll have to go get a job for them. Extra chores include shoveling fertilizer in your garden and working in your clinic. Also, every single thing she does for what I assume to be her step-brother. If you're going to give her things out of the goodness of your heart then they are gifts and you don't get to complain about the gratitude of the giftee.
4) Language. Get over it. It sounds like you have a pretty decent kid there, one who isn't running around with a wild crowd getting in all sorts of serious trouble. Using words like "shit" and "ass" are not going to end the world. I've had kids call me a cunting bitch to my face and they still turned out okay. Also, how many times did you say "shit" and "ass" in this video?
5) There is nothing wrong with having a list to keep track of your chores. I keep lists to keep track of my chores. Stop making her feel bad because she needs a list and try helping her learn how to keep track of her time and commitments. Teaching works better than shaming, even though it can take time to get through a thick teen-age skull.
And now for the big one.
6) Shooting your daughter's laptop? Of all the terrifying, childish stunts! As a gun owner I have to say that you don't deserve to be a gun owner, that is the most ridiculously dangerous thing I have seen in years. Shooting anything that close to the house and that close to a road is ridiculously dangerous. Outside of every other concern I have with this video, if you're going to do it at least take it to a proper range and do it safely.
For another that's a threat of violence, if I was your daughter I would be terrified of your right now. If I was your neighbor I would call CPS for making that kind of a violent threat. That was deeply. deeply foolish and I hope your ex-wife steps in and says something.
In short I find that you are acting like a spoiled, whining brat yourself, hardly a good role model. Go ahead and ground her if you want, but I suggest trying some time with her or maybe some counseling first. Believe me, it will help.
Good luck.
you dumb liberal bleeding heart bitch!
I am with you!! Hooray for sanity!!!
Also I can't wait to read more of your blog!!
You are an idiot! His daughter was the one who decided to go public when she put those things about her parents on Facebook.
It's people like you who are ruining this country!
I'm so glad you said this. I'm older than you and also a gun owner. If a man did this to a woman and her laptop, people would recognize it for how wrong it is to do something like this. He is acting like an angry lover.
Wow, you are so far off course with your blog! It is thinking like yours that has led to generation degeneration! Kids have no respect for themselves, or anyone else anymore. This is due to parents having less and less control over how they are raised. Kids need to know there are consequences to stupidity in the real world. They need to learn to think before they act. They need to understand that there will be someone to answer to. And lastly they need to know the value of things by earning them instead of having everything gifted to them.
Treating them like adults, when they are not, and talking things out, well, that's a good start, but even though they hear you, they do not truly comprehend what is being said to them. Kids let it go in one ear, and out the other. Their thinking is ten minutes of tongue lashing, live out the grounding, and back to business as usual. Talking it out just does not always work...
Question. Shooting someone's laptop because they offended you on Facebook is treating them like an adult? If you did that to me as another adult I would press charges
he's a dad trying to keep his kid in line, in the new world of social media, which uh, most older parents didn't have to do previously....so maybe you should stop judging him
This country has gone to shit because of the dumb rednecks who agree the shooting a laptop after invading your daughters privacy to teach her a lesson is appropriate. I disagree with his approach. That poor girl may have it good, but only because her parents make it good for her. She goes to school, does her chores, helps in the garden, hell, even pours their coffee.. And all she did was bitch a little on Facebook. Whoop di doo. We are all entitled to an opinion, and a hormonal teenage puberty moment as kids. We all bitched about our parents at her age we just didn't have Facebook back then. He invaded her privacy! At least she was AT HOME on her laptop, and not OUT getting knocked up and smoking crack. Way to go dad!! You now have a daughter with 'daddy issues' who will probably grow up to be a stripper out of spite.
My name is Rhonda Kondo, and if those of you dont like my opinion, well you can kiss my grits.
I liked this blog post btw.
If you listen to what the man says he tried taking away the laptop before for previous issues. He even took her cell and laptop away for 3 months. That didn't work.
He or her mother paid for the laptop, any and all maintenance on the laptop, internet service, cell phone, etc. That gives him the right to destroy the laptop that HE OWNED!
This man...this father...was crushed by his ungrateful daughter's post...every teenager hates their parents for one reason or another...she needs to learn respect...FB...the internet for that matter...can be detrimental to the future of any child...a child must learn what to post...and...what to keep private...I just made my 13 yr old son watch the video with me...he couldn't believe a kid could do that to their parents...then I explained the danger...ONCE SOMETHING IS POSTED...IT CAN NEVER BE ERASED...that he shot the laptap...I don't own a gun...but I can assure you...what I would have done to that laptop...would have be much more destructive...better he take his anger out on the laptop...than to take his anger out on his daughter...TOMMY JORDAN HAS MY VOTE FOR FATHER OF THE YEAR
Supposedly there is a longer video where he went over point by point what Hannah said. She over exaggerated .. something else teen aged girls do. With the family having a MAID... I seriously doubt she is a little Cinderella. You totally believed everything she said. OH at 15, I thought my life was HORRIBLE... I had to clean my room and make my bed and yes, I had a snoopy, pesky little brother. LIfe sucked!! And that's the worst of it.. I had great parents and a great life and an IBM computer... if I got online and sassed my parents and swore like that, I would HOPE my parents would teach me a lesson and not let me get out of control like so many kids today. Being in law enforcement, I can say that the biggest problem is people NOT parenting their kids.. the second one is nosy, busy body people calling CPS on people that don't need to be called on. Good day.
I am not a gun owner, but I question the legality of discharging a firearm so close to a road, and other houses? The man comes off as a bit of a twit. What is he going to do when his daughter is driving, and she annoys him? Shoot her car?
Lol all the "anonymous" ranting posts putting the blogger down and calling her names is probably from "Tommy Jordan" himself. Myself I believe the whole post was a hoax in hopes to go viral. And he succeeded. I say if indeed it all went down (as he claims) then he is the poor role model as its learned environment. Look at the way he talked on that video. "SHE GOT IT FROM WATCHING YOU MR. JORDAN"
I'm a different anonymous...
Totally agree with you. And BTW, so far, we've ONLY heard his side of the story and what he's said about other people's reactions. Haven't heard from the mother. Haven't heard from the current wife. Haven't heard from the girl. Haven't heard from the cleaning person. Haven't heard from the police or CPS. So, all the people who are cheering him on are totally relying on HIS word. Nice. Seeing how quick he is to use that big gun, maybe everyone else is afraid to say anything.
And even if discipline was called for, he put out a sensational video that will be around for decades. His daughter is named in it. That's a black mark on her reputation that will remain out there forever. Nice thing to do to a kid. Whatever she posted about him would quickly have faded into obscurity, blended in with a zillion other similar posts from other teenagers.
Read his Facebook page, it gives more detail to how reacted afterwards with his daughter and what the viral hit is doing to him... It may surprise you, it may not, but my o bits is violent actions, destruction of an item, can stir emotions and rarely has a positive side, but is this one?
I think your OPINIONS about this video and this man are all wrong. This girl seems like a whiny spoiled brat who doesn't seem to understand that life is hard and nothing is ever really handed to you. She disrespected her parents in front of her friends and probably some of her family(since it is facebook) and thought she was cool because she thought she hid it from her parents. And why are people acting like he shot her and not her laptop. The girl will live without her laptop and all the extras that she has. I'm 20 years old and I didnt even get my first cell phone until I was almost 17 and my laptop when i was almost 18 and guess what people I LIVED!!!! Besides the fact that I was very grateful to my parents for giving me these luxuries and I would spend the rest of my life getting their coffee and cleaning the house. I am proud of this man for doing what he did. He tried grounding her from it before and she didn't learn her lesson and he warned her that something worse would happen if she did something like that again. Well she didn't believe him the first time, so maybe now she will. And as far as the little brother thing goes I have 3 very younger siblings and yes sometimes i get annoyed with them, but i love them and i don't mind doing things for them because they are my family. Its just a laptop people she could not have a roof over her head or food to eat but guess what her father cares enough to provide that for her and I think that's what counts the most not all the material things he gives her. GO TOMMY JORDAN!
-Terra Finch
I LOVE your Post this was all for Publicity in my Opinion...and I agree with all you facts and points...
Quite scary that this guy is a HERO....even if he's licensed to carry that... 45 that's not the kind of person that I want owning a fire arm!
On his FB he's now acting like he's into MDA charity...PLEASE ...he did that after it went Viral!
Very SAD what people are entertained by but look at the rich Jersey Shore people the Kardashians...etc
dumb ass rednecks
It's all made up just to go viral and get a lot of hits on the video. In return we are all so curious we start doing searches on him. I can't believe he sucked me in. I checked out his Facebook acct and found he has several pages he is owner of that he is trying to draw hits there too.
The thing that baffles me the most is people are labeling him a hero. If this video is all true ( which I doubt) then he as the father is suppose to be the role model. It's learned environment.
Just like "a different anonymous" said you put your daughter in harms way. What GOOD parent does that. I for one never even air my dirty laundry on Facebook let a lone for the world to see. He knew what he was doing.
I hope he is thoroughly investigated and it all comes back to bite him. If anything, charged for shooting a firearm off so close to the road. You could literately see traffic in the background.
I have no respect for all these parents giving this so-called father kudos. I can't even believe you would think its okay. There is other ways to handle out of control teenagers but putting your daughter out there wasn't one of em. She has learned all her actions from her role model father.
kudos to this dad. His obviously ungrateful daughter needed a little lesson in real life. shes obviously never had to work for anything and hes making her do just that. if shes going to disrespect the people that worked so hard to give her the laptop then she shouldnt have it anyway. I would do exactly what he did. Thats how i was raised, thats how my parents were raised. Its a great lesson in good old fashioned parenting, by what i am sure is a hard working, honest, god fearing father. I have the utmost respect for the way he handled this situation and I wish him and his family all the best. KUDOS DAD!!!!
OMG! I can't believe this dirtbag of a dad pulled it off. He did exactly what he intended to do and we all fell for it. He created a bogus story on YouTube it went viral we made him out to be some creepy hero. Then you look at his Facebook account and he is sitting there promoting his business'. Everyone is falling for it and creating the traffic that he was after to begin with. If you read a few of his posts he is beginning to think he is God or something. Wish the cops would do some investigation. If anything he should be charged with a firearm. I hate dishonest people.
Agree 100%
Nice post. I can't believe how many people support this. It's actually a little shocking.
I think this Mom of at least 8 said it quite well as well.
I'm a different different Anonymous. Thanks for this post. I agree with you. He did not behave like a "hero." He stooped to her level and let his anger and ego overwhelm his judgment. We've all felt ourselves reaching that point, but unfortunately for this family he made it very public and very permanent, and he used everyone's real names.
Using a video on Facebook/YouTube wasn't clever, it was cowardice. He couldn't trust himself to communicate clearly and effectively to her face. This didn't belong in a public forum. It's so sadly ironic that he was replying to her inappropriate vent in a public forum. How does imitating your teenager's behavior make you an effective parent?
I agree with everything the guy SAID. It's just posting it online was immature, and using the gun was terrifying. Violent anger issues are apparent here.
P.s. if some kid in his daughter's school had done the same thing he did, the FBI would be there in a heartbeat, trying to prevent another Columbine. But because it's her own father he's a hero? Cmon people, think harder.
I am a 50 year old father of 2 teens. I am not a liberal. I own handguns, rifles, etc. I am ex-military and certainly value both disipline and respect.
Respect is a 2-way street. Teens have had issues with parents and visa-versa forever. What was lacking was social media and (believed) need to share it with the world. Poor decision on her part? Yes. But do you believe that any teen hasn't bitched about their parent(s) at one time or another to their friends? Broadcasting it on Facebook? Yeah, not bright.
Ok so she's 15... a kid... clearly doesn't possess the same decision making skills as an "adult". But it appears that she does have the same poor decision making abilities of her dad. A grown man taking this, what could have been, should have been a opportunity to teach her daughter completely blew it. Though his frustrations may have been warranted, his actions were certainly not. Tommy Jordan has some anger issues and I can only imagine we'll be hearing more about him on a Dateline feature. His skeletons will be revealed.
@the hostile anonymous: You must be the 20 year old and your lack of maturity is showing. You may voice your opinion without being verbally abusive and insulting. Please tell me you are not in law enforcement! To the other 2 anonymous, I've got your back. We agree lines were crossed but adults should know better and I would need to hear from ALL parties involved to get the whole picture. She posted for friends only to see. He posted for the world to see and I am disturbed that anyone with a functioning brain and rationality thinks his misuse of a firearm is appropriate. If he did this to a friend or co worker, what do you think would be the outcome? I am a 56 year old mother of 2 successful, great young women and I never needed to resort to this or physical violence. I have worked with this mentality doing damage control.
The emotional damage done cannot be erased and the piper will have to be paid.
I'm glad I found this blog. I was beginning to think MY thought processes were out of line. I'm in general agreement with the danger of using a pistol in connection with discipline of ANYONE, never mind a 15 year old child...especially your own!! This man has at least one business and social contacts in his area. Why on earth would he let his ego overcome common sense? This dude not only has anger management problems, but his ex-wife ought to reconsider the custody issue. And, if the ex-wife is as lame as the father, that explains in part the actions of the daughter. A good dad would be paying for counseling...not software! Finally, all the people making positive comments about Herr Jordan..what the he** are YOU all thinking about? Or are we just conversing on different planes?
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