So here's what a liberal, agnostic home looks like at 5 pm on the last day of our work week. Up there we have the kitchen, that's hamburger defrosting on the left, right in front of the dirty bread pan/coffee pot/water pitcher. I have to point out that the dishwasher there was running at the time I took this, none of it fit. All the way over on the left is a clean frying pan, waiting for the hamburger, and my lifeline, the kettle.

Edging to the left we have the baking center, complete with bicycle maintenance book and Post-it notes of favorite baking recipes. Beyond that we have the "dining room", with the graphed out beginning of the holiday gift for my Grandmother-in-law covering most of the surface. Beyond that is the living room

It's remarkably clean, but then no kids yet. And it's also "Friday" for us. Wait until "Sunday"/Wednesday when we've been living in it all week-end. Then it's a completely different story. The big green thing is the climbing tower the husband built for our seriously spoiled cats.
Turning around in place...

...we have my desk. Complete with water bottle, giant tea mug, even larger bottle of Advil, and knitting everywhere. That thing behind the blue spray bottle used to make the cats stop that is called a Sherpa. It's our family information center. It's currently opened to the most important page - what's for dinner.
Coming back around to almost where I started

Hallway. With laundry. The rooms off it are a bathroom/storage room, the husband's office at the end, and the sewing/exercise/someday kids room.

Which is only this clean because I'm starting a new project. I swear.
Finally, the bedroom

The only reason why that bed is made is because I got lucky and managed to get a cat-free moment. Otherwise I'm out of luck.
Well, if you ever wondered what a non-religious home looks like on an average day, now you know. This also proves that you can still have clutter, even without kids. Hopefully someday I'll be able to add kid clutter to it.
Thanks for playing along!
I love your big sewing room, with the huge tables! I'm jealous.
Sadly, that's temporary. *smile* Eventually we want children, and that will be their room. But for now I'm enjoying every minute of it.
I have no cat-free moments. Not entirely if fur counts. I feel right at home!
Just wanted to say that I love and appreciate you, Annie C. (I'm too lazy at the moment to look up your email. If every person in the US were as gracious, responsible and respectful of freedom as you are, we would have a much better country and one that I would feel much better about. I appreciate your comments over yonder (though I'm avoiding a lot of it as I don't think to much of McCain, and most people think that I'm functionally voting for Obama). So I'm keeping pretty tight lipped.
Big cyber hug of appreciation,
Cindy K from over TW
Wow you're organised enough to have space in your spare room before you have children. We're still trying to get ours cleared out now. You have a lovely house - thank you for sharing. :o)
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